<p>Zubehör - Zubehör - Jungs und Mädchen</p>
  • <p>Zubehör - Zubehör - Jungs und Mädchen</p>
<p>Zubehör - Zubehör - Jungs und Mädchen</p>
<p>Zubehör - Zubehör - Jungs und Mädchen</p> video

Farblose Schuhcreme

Zubehör - Zubehör - Jungs und Mädchen

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Irgendwelche Zweifel an der Grösse?

Geben Sie die Länge des Fusses Ihres Kindes ein (wie machen Sie das?)

Länge :
Empfohlene Grösse:
  • There's no substitute for high-quality shoe polish. It deeply nourishes the leather and restores its original color.
  • For lovers of beautiful shoes colorless shoe polish is a must-have for the whole family.
  • Whatever the color it eliminates rubbing marks on leather by ironing a polish over the damaged area.
  • Generally located at the front of the shoe the accumulation of rubbing gives the shoe a worn appearance that will be corrected by the application of shoe polish.
  • We've chosen this shoe polish because of its high performance and excellent quality enriched with beeswax.
  • This product is solvent-free unlike most polishes on the market.
  • The polish is for leather only do not use on suede.
  • For multi-material use opt for a spray.
  • Why not involve your child? Taking care of your children's belongings is a good way to develop their independence and help them gain self-confidence.
  • Test a hidden area first to make sure the material doesn't discolor.